Saturday, September 19, 2009

I uh... I dunno...

So... I pulled this up because I figured I was going to have something to say. And I can't really think of anything. Life is mostly pretty good right now. The economy has struck my family pretty well, but we're making it. We're swimming above water... but barely, like many families out there. Life is not where I thought it would be at this point in my life, I figured I'd be a bit farther along with things, but still nothing. And sometimes I wonder what's really in store... but you know... you just gotta keep swimming. Already halfway through september, kinda weird to not be in school anymore, but I'm glad I'm done. I dunno. This didn't really help, so I'm just gonna end it now...


  1. I always feel like I have something to say blogging, but then again writing is a release for me.
    I think everyone wonders what is in store for them. It seems as if when we think we have it figured out that something happens to shake it all up again.
    At least you are pretty good right now, that should be comforting. Life is good...except for when it isn't And I'm a firm believer that things work out the exact way they are suppose to.

  2. Crazy how life works out, huh?! Glad you've got a blog so we can keep up with ya, even if things aren't working out the way they looked like they would. (btw, after our chat about how my move had gone so smoothly, things started slowly coming apart at the seams...ain't that always the way!...hope they start lookin' up for you!)
